Stop smoking now!

dynavap induction heater

Over and over again, people resolve to quit smoking. Unfortunately, most do not succeed in one go. Quitting smoking requires good preparation and a lot of perseverance. The chances are much higher that you will succeed!

Government measures

In the Netherlands, 20,000 people die every year as a result of smoking or second-hand smoke. The government is therefore aiming for a smoke-free generation by 2040. They have taken a number of measures and made agreements. These are included in the National Prevention Agreement. Some measures and agreements are:

  • Increase excise duty
  • Expansion of smoking ban
  • Cigarettes and shag are being sold in supermarkets
  • Reducing tobacco sales points
  • Cigarette packs all the same color
  • Smoking ban in schoolyards
  • Smoke-free petting zoos, childcare locations, playgrounds, sports clubs and hospitals
  • No deductible quit smoking programs

Some of these measures have already come into effect in 2020. Other measures already apply in some places, but will apply everywhere from 2025.

dynavap induction heater

What happens when you quit smoking?

If you stop smoking, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. It is important not to give in to this. Withdrawal symptoms last for a few days, at most a week after you stop smoking. After a few weeks you will no longer experience withdrawal symptoms. You may still have occasional days when you crave a cigarette.

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Smoking shortens your life expectancy. If you still don't smoke after several years, your life expectancy is equal to that of a non-smoker. When you stop smoking you will immediately notice that your lung capacity improves, breathing becomes easier. Those who stop smoking have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease after a few years. The risk of cancer remains for a longer period of time, but this too eventually becomes the same as that of a non-smoker.

Difficult to quit smoking completely

Many people find the step from smoking to non-smoking too big. They therefore use a vaporizer as an aid. Do you stop smoking and don't want to carry a lighter with you? Then say hello to the dynavap induction heater. The dynavap induction heater is the solution for the home use of any vaporizer. The dynavap induction heater is easy to use.

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